MABEL es un estudio multidiciplinario situado en la parte austral de nuestro planeta Tierra. Reúne a diferentes talentos que buscan defender a la sociedad de todos los que atenten contra el equilibrio de la comunicacion.
MABEL is a multidiciplinary studio located in the southern part of our planet Earth. It brings together different talents who seek to defend society from all those who attack the balance of communication.
With great talent comes great responsibility
Peter Parker´s Uncle

Nuestra gran experiencia y la combinación de muy variados talentos, nos posiciona como la nueva generación de “Super Talentos”, que combatirá contra todas aquellas tradicionales formas de comunicar en pos de una propuesta más actual, dinámica y eficiente.
Our great experience in adittion with the combination of a variety of powers, make us the leading gang of “Super talents” ready to fight against traditional ways of communication on behalf of new and more effective ones.

«One for all, all for one»
«The Three Musketeers»

MABEL conecta a las empresas con sus clientes, a través de modernas herramientas de branding y comunicación, creando experiencias únicas e inolvidables, desarrolladas bajo el paragua de una gran idea.
Las buenas ideas no tienen fecha de vencimiento y son a prueba de balas.
MABEL conects enterprises with their customers, through modern branding and communicational tools, creating unique and memorable experiences developed under the umbrella of a good idea.
Good ideas have no expiration date and are bulletproof.

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Underneath this mask is an idea… and ideas are bulletproof.
V de Vendetta

Raison / The End of Size
Ideation +UX / UI + Technology + Development + IA + Machine Learning + Communication
Mabel Estudio’s own entrepreneurship. A digital solution was devised to definitely change the online clothing shopping experience, where you don’t have to remember what size you are in each brand. Taking two photos of you, fill in your height and weight; RAISON will be able to identify you and show you only the clothes that fit your body perfectly. Say bye bye to that hateful label that haunted you all your life. To awarness the idea, a social action was developed to raise awareness about the discrimination we suffer according to the label we carry.

BID / Billetera Informal
Ideation + UX / UI + Technology + Strategy
In Argentina there are many marginal neighborhoods, where many of its inhabitants do not have ID and work informally.
In order to quantify all these data, an APP was designed for each neighborhood, where it would act as a means of communication of jobs, products or needs.
At the same time, some tools were developed such as the «Round» which is a way to access credit informally. In this way, each user could have a credit index and thus be able to help them with new services.

Edenor / Electrodependientes
Creativity + Ideation + UX / UI + Technology
A digital tool was devised for the internal use of one of the main electricity supplier companies in Buenos Aires, to serve the group of «Electrodependents». *
It had to be a simple and intuitive system to be able to quickly attend any claim and avoid major problems.
In order to achieve this objective, sensors had to be placed to measure situations in real time.
* People who need a continuous supply of light mainly for health reasons.

YPF / My Time
Ideation + UX / UI + Technology + Strategy + IOT
Cameras were installed in service stations to be able to measure the traffic they are having and thus consumers can know in which service station has the least delay. This could be consulted directly from google maps with an extension that was installed when the YPF Serviclub + APP was updated. It was also proposed to customize the APP and turn it into a digital wallet related to mobility.

Accenture/ Innolab
Ideation + UX / UI + Technology + Strategy
A tool was proposed to Accenture Global to unify the “problems and solutions” that all its clients have. Achieving that a solution to a problem of a client in China can be easily consulted by an employee of Accenture Argentina for a similar problem in a client of their own. Thus building an immense database of PROBLEMS> SOLUTIONS.

VW / Connected Car
Ideation + IOT + Technology + AI + Strategy
After intensive research work it was discovered that the brand was wasting a lot of digital potential and was not connected with its consumers. For this, a network of solutions was devised, starting from the particular needs of each of its consumers. And in order to achieve this, an OBD2 device would be placed on each vehicle, in this way we could have real and concrete data from both the car and the driver.

BGH Big Nose
Tech Creativity + Design
Site development where people could measure how big nose they nose were through an app. If the app recognised the person as a big nose one, the so-called » Winner» acceded to an exclusive discount on the BGH Air Conditioner, as the big nose people are the ones that need the most pure air!

BGH «Vecinos»
Creativity + Site Design
Campaign designed to position BGH as Environmentally Friendly, where the main aim was to increase awarness on energy saving. Especially focused on big buildings with major and excesive energy consumption. A site was developed where building committies had to register and demostrate how they could decrease the energy consumption. The best results were awarded with free energy-efficient BGH Air conditioners.

PAMPERS «Interactive Floor»
Tech Creativity + Design + UX
Product for South América. Interactive platform that showed how babies deal with new technologies. It was a unique and memorable experience where babies for the first time, all arround South America, could interact with an animated floor.

Move / Wallet+
Ideation + IOT + UX / UI + AI + Technology
With the request to modernize the pass system of the main highways in Buenos Aires, HD cameras were implemented to make the passes more intelligent. Payments and administration were made from the APP. In a second re-read, the APP will turn into an exclusive wallet for the car, where it will be intelligently communicated offers that the user might be interested in; such as insurance for your car customized to your use, discounts at service stations or car maintenance.

Creativity + APP Design
Regional campaign that positioned Pampers as the best teammate for women throughout pregnancy and upbringing of the baby. Starting from the very first moment of the Happy News to childhood. In addittion to this, an APP was developed where mothers could have access to different tools and tips in order to organize the best BABY SHOWER ever seen.

ANDES «Friend Recovery»
Tech creativiry + Site Design
Andes Campaign trying to help argentinian men that want to go hang out with their friends when their girlfriends wouldn´t let them do it. With that purpose, we developed an intelligent robot which through an APP would pretend to be you at the bar with your friends, allowing head movements and more, when actually you are at home with your girl!

COCA-COLA «El Camión del Aliento»
APP Design + Tech Creativity
At a football field, just 60.000 people can fit and we wondered how we could make all the argentina fit in a single stadium. To achieve it we got a truck for encouragement crying recording and a site where every person of the country could leave their encouragement. The result was amazing! 500.000 virtual fans in a single field!!

ICBC / One Way
Discovery + Technology + Strategy + Machine Learning + AI
The ICBC bank stated that they had a problem with the internal management system. After an analysis work, the real problem was discovered and after a request to change technology, a One Way solution was proposed, thanks to the implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Metrogas / Website
Ideation + Technology + Strategy + UX / UI
Redesign of the site of one of the Gas Natural companies of Buenos Aires. The aim was to modernize and humanize the brand, since the perception in the market was of a brand that did not serve its consumers. I humanize it with the creation of a character, which would respond to all requests or questions from customers.
We work on 4 verticals with smart tools so that customers can learn more about the consumption and proper use of gas.

EDENOR Autogestion
Design + Ideation + UX / UI + Strategy
A tool was devised to self-manage some procedures in the Edenor branches. The idea was to be able to offer customers a greater number of procedures that they could solve easily and intuitively, without having to wait to be served by a representative. This also entailed an update of the databases to be able to obtain information in real time and in a centralized manner.

BOOM Pizza & Burger
Design + Corporate Image
Restyling of one of the Chain of Pizza shops Icon of the 90´s in Buenos Aires. Image modernization and conceptualization of the core business. We transformed the basic idea of eating a pizza in a unforgettable experience. Settled as the pizza shop chosen by the Super Heroes of all times!!

Site Design + UX
National campaign where Gillette gave people the posibilitty to feel and pretend to be a First Division Football Player for 10 minutes! How? Easy! Participants had to register in the site, look for votes and the most voted teams could play a 10 minutes game on the Half Time of the classic of the season. Everybody could play in First Leagues!!

BGH «Mi Casa es un Horno»
Tech Creativity + UX + Site Design
BGH campaign people friendly. As the heat in Buenos Aires summer´s could be hard to bare, an APP was designed where users could measure the hours of direct sunlight at their homes, and the ones that could prove 8 or more hours of direct sunlight per day accedded to great discounts on the buy of a BGH Air Conditioner.

SCION «Your Car – Your World»
Tech Creativity + UX + Site Design
Site design with interactive car customization. Because we know how much american people appreciate it, we developed a site where everyone could design its one SCION. Once the car was ready the user was allowed to interact online with other users an even invite them for a race!!

P&G «Recruiting»
Design +UX
In order to promote and enhance applicants interest in working for P&G, we create a site where actual P&G employees had to talk about their working experiences for the company. Funny and intuitive interface. Dinamic banners created that uploaded that experiences online as inmediatelly as written.

Is that a bird? Is that a plane? No!! Is Mabel!!!
Metrópolis citizens

Si necesitás de nuestra ayuda puedes prender la batiseñal o bien llenar el siguiente formulario y algún super talento acudirá a tu auxilio.
If any of our help is needed please don´t hesitate to turn on the Bat-Signal or just fill the form and some Super Talent Hero will go for your help.
Si crees que tienes talentos poderosos y quieres ser parte de MABEL ESTUDIO escríbenos a talentos@mabelestudio.com
Just in case you feel you have hidden talents and want to be one of us please write to talentos@mabelestudio.com

Diego Paroissien 1773 5A , 1429.
Capital Federal. Buenos Aires. Argentina
(+54 9 11) 4025.0724
©2012 – Mabel Estudio –